BloggerTube - The first Blogger video template!

Since from the very beginning of this blog, I had in mind that most of people do not use Blogger just because of its "limitations", or whatever they think blogger has, so I have decided to creat unique templates that would blow people's minds not only because of their designs, but also for its many unique and out-of-the-box features.

Now I bring you a template that no one has never made for Blogger: a video template. Yes, now you guys can showcase your videos using blogger! ins't that awesome?

The fact is that I am very excited about this template, because this one may turn out in a revolution on Blogger templates, People will now see that Blogger is not as limited as they thought it was, believe me: I didn't even start describing its features yet.

I have been working on this template for the past weeks, finding a way to improve it each time I put my hands on it. The best thing was the help I have got from my gift-minded friends Abu Farhan and Aneesh (from They are (seriously) the best and fastest Blogger developers that I have ever known, I am very lucky to get to work with this guys.

Now let me present you BloggerTube: A video template that creates a perfect link between Blogger (The best blogging tool in my opinion) and Youtube (The biggest and most used online video service on the internet).

There are many reasons for my excitement, but I can summarize them in two simple ones:
 #1 - This template is totally automatic, anyone can use it, and even the most newbie guys will be able to post videos on it.
#2 - It is the first of its kind, So this will motivate me to release new version and implement new features each version.

Check out the live demo and you'll what I am talking about!

BloggerTube Instructions:

Note: A really nice user from our community (Thanks Mesothelioma) has just made this great collection of video tutorials for Bloggertuts, Please check it out, specially beginners. Make sure you watch them before asking for help!

How to post a new video on BloggerTuts

1 - You'll only need 2 things: A post sample (Please download it here and save it as post sample under your Blogger settings) and a video URL from youtube.

2 - Go to and grab a video URL:


3 - Now head to your Blogger dashboard and create a new post, It will open up the posting page with your previously saved post sample:

4 - Note that you have 2 important elements:

- "endofvid" - Will be used to tell the template that your video URL has finished, you should paste your URL right before it, with no spaces!

- [starttext] and [endtext] - Those are your post content wrapper, so if you need to write anything, post any picture on your post, please do it inside these two lines. This is an important step, if you write anything out of these two lines, it will not be shown on your post.

5 - Here's how the your post should looks like:


I have highlighted the important elements just for your reference, but you should not do that on your posts.

How to install the "Recent Videos" widget"

Just go to your Page Elements section, click to edit the HTML/Javascript Widget called "Recent Videos" and paste the following code inside:

<script style="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script style="text/javascript">
var numposts = 5;
var showpostthumbnails = true;
var displaymore = true;
var displayseparator = true;
var showcommentnum = true;
var showpostdate = true;
var showpostsummary = true;
var numchars = 50;
<script src="/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentpostswiththumbs"></script>
<div class="clear"/></div>

Automatic features on BloggerTube:

Once you have made your post, BloggerTube has taken care of it, let's check it out the awesome automatic features on this neat template:

Automatic video thumbnails on home page:


BloggerTube will automatically create a thumbnail out of your video, and show it only on your home page, in a nice and organized gallery style.

Automatic embedded video on post page:

 You'll get your video automatically embedded on your post page, together with your description/post below it.

Automatic slider for the last featured videos


This one may be the most cool feature of this template, it is completely mind blowing, and you doesn't even to touch the code to get it, It's already installed and running for you!

BloggerTube Highlights

Custom star ratings from :

Recent videos widget from (adapted specially for this template):

Exclusive scripts from created specially for this Blogger video template that makes it totally awesome and intelligent.

Note: if you are experiencing any problems with the page navigations, go to your Edit HTML pade, check Expand Widget models, and replace the following url:

for this one:

Final Words

I hope everyone enjoy this template, I have put so much effort to show people that blogger can really be awesome and to break all the limitation walls that some people create for this great blogging platform.
Feel free to subscribe to my RSS feed, and Follow me on twitter.

BloggerTube FAQ's

1. Can I show videos from another websites other than youtube? Maybe FlashGames? Or even Pictures?
No, This template only supports youtube videos, because that's what it was made for, so changing it to support any other kind of media, would be as hard as developing a whole new template again.

2. Why did you support only youtube on this one?
Because it is the most used video service on the internet, as simple as that.

3. Why don't you make another template supporting another kinds of videos?
I never told you guys that I was never going to release new templates anymore, please be calm and let things happen, I have many plans on new templates, but due to lack of time for doing it, I didn't had the chance yet.

4. Why you answered that for question #3 ?
Because I am not a full time blogger/webdesigner like other template developers, I study Engineering and also work on other projects, so please understand my point.

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Adonias Junior

Ta errado!! Não está certo!!! Como pode??
Nem vou raciocinar sobre este código.


Dante Araújo

Tremi agora, achei que tivesse algo errado mesmo! :)


finaly dante...i wait a long time to see this and its pay off..i am very happy i sent you email like other to you so you can make this beauty :-)

You r now making new era on blogger and blogger templates !!!It will be fun to see how other can follow you.I think its impossible.Best regards !!!

Dante Araújo

Great, A lot of people have been waiting for this, I am very happy to finally give what you guys asked me for a long time.


dante you need to make some guide how to use it..i wasnt able to wait i test it when i saw it.
I post 4 videos with description as you say and look what happens..

sidebar form right move after i put first video..i will wait for your guide before i install on my real blog so i cant mess something up

Dante Araújo

I see nothing wrong there... :)


yea it work i guess from it self :-) i fall in love to this template..waithing for few years.My biggest thanks to Abu Farhan ,Aneesh and of course You !!!

Cahaya Biru

Hi Dante, I have to say, Blogger Tube is a Good work. Great... Very Creative.

You guys are great team. :)


I am absolutely AMAZED! You are the first on Blogger to release such a template I think and all of the features and design of the template are awesome! Thanks so much Dante, you are and your wonderful site are rapidly becoming legendary to bloggers who prefer Blogger to WP!:)

Amanda Kennedy


I guessed you'd release something awesome like this soon Dante ;) It's really well made and I'm thrilled to finally see a video template for Blogger!

Thanks also to Aneesh and Abu Farhan - you all make a great team :)


What a beautiful Template ...
I can not believe it's free, and for Blogger, you gays really did a great work...
I'm about to write an article about this miracle right now for my French readers....


Its. really amazing Template, I really thankful to you such lovely Template you uploaded

Blogger Template

great... great and just great.

Actually this isn't first video blogger template. I've seen other video blogger template somewhere. But they are not free.

The great thing from this template is :
1. Your original design.
2. You give it for free for all bloggers.

That's hard to believe and many bloggers will love you for this premium template.

Thanks again. Keep it up.


Hi Dante,
A really great job. I never comment template releases but this time I couldn't help leaving this comment. Really man, I wouldn't expect this template to be that "automatic" and that easy.

Just a small suggestion: What if you release another version of this template but with another set of colors, just to offer it maybe in 2 color-sets. This would give blogger a wide range of possibilities to use it in their projects, and wouldn't require from you much work, only changing the red/black color combination into another possibility. What do you think?

In any case, you did a great job. Good luck!

Dante Araújo

Thanks a lot for all the great feedback Guys, Thanks to my brilliant friends Abu and Aneesh as well for making this possible.

Remember that I am only a blogger designer with a lot of ideas, but If I didn't have anyone to execute those ideas none of these would be possible.

Those two guys are just gift-minded but a little lazy, They just needed someone with new stuff in the head to give them some motivation to develop! And that's how BloggerTube was made (and many more future creative templates!).

I will surely release new versions, Don't worry about color combinations and stuff, there will be more, expect specially a white one (my favorite!).

Best Regards,

Dante Araujo

Dante Araújo

And I would appreciate if you guys help me putting this template in front on more people, using twitter or whatever tools is confortable for you.

As I said, my goal is to break these "limitations" created on people's mind that are just unfair with blogger.

I want to prove that Blogger is capable of making things that no one has never thought about it.

Dante Araújo

Because it is totally automatic for youtube, if you get to read the post you'll see the features.

I plan to make another video template, but a more simple one, for showing embedd codes from any source...


Great job Dante. I already create blogger template for video+image gallery last week,without using javascript. But not release it yet. Can you give some feedback about my gallery theme?

Dante Araújo

Hello FBT, I just saw your template, I think it is OK bt it seems to be a little difficult for a user to admin it ? You have to think about usability.

Second, You are using square thumbnails on main page, that is stretching out the rectangle thumbnails out of proportion, and it gives a weird look.

Other than that, it is a good template.


Hi Dante,Very good Blogger Video Template


Hi Dante! You're great! Great Template! Can I ask you something? How I remove slider ?




Can i use this templete for flash games ?

Derrick Lin

Congrats Dante! This is really the huge milestone for both yourself and blogger!

Dante Araújo

@Anonymous, Do you have a fix for that ? If yes, contact me asap. I bet you don't... go ayay.

@IVan, No, only for youtube videos.

@subby, Thanks :)


like you say, it's a little difficult to use. Because of that i not release it soon. maybe i will use some js to make it more simple like Bloggertube.

I agree with your second opinion. But Bingo Gallery still with the basic design, not final design and I still waiting for it from the designer :D.

thanks alot Dante.
Can I adding you in my partner link?


as do I put videos from other sites as metacafe,, dailymotion ,.........???


Dante a doubt, is to not use this template for videos?
I have a blog template and would like to know if you how to use this mode?

I t entei use more of the image always appears in the video ...
the rest got everything ...
is to show a specific image?


Parabéns, Dante. É um lindo template. É bom saber que tem muita gente, como você que acredita e enaltece a plataforma.

blogger templates

hi danet, i'm very happy today to see you making great templates, i'm very glad to commenting here, this is amazing work man, keep up the good work, your are now my 1st hero when it comes to blogger templates designers.


I ask again . Can I remove 'Easy Slider' ? Please help me ?


Great job Dante! A combination of Photoplus and BloggerTube would be nice.

Congratulations and thanks for sharing it with us.


Dante Araújo

@FBT, Alright, I am sure you'll find a great way to improve it. Yes, you can!

@donself, This template only works for youtube videos.

@Bemplates, I am sorry I didn't get your question, try to be clearer.

@crazyseawolf, Valeu! Bom seria se existissem mais pessoas com este pensamento!

@blogger templates, Thanks a lot!

@Admin, are you the one that sent me an email? I already answer this question there!

@Jorge, let me tell you something: expect great stuff to come ;)


Wow! have long wanted to do something, because apparently someone was paid "donations" by templates the same functions.

Congratulations, excellent work


Just great!!!

Alvaris Falcon

Wow man, it's totally awesome! I prefer the 'automatic' feature the most, you make the Blogger template truly professional now! :D





top notch template


Olá Dante tudo bom....?

Depois de ter visto esta obra prima resolvi contribuir com a sua causa, vi que tem usuarios pedindo em outras cores ou estilo, dai resolvi modificar, mais claro com sua permição!!

Se você querer disponibilizar o Thema que dei uma modificada so na parte de imagens é so me avisar lá no blog de test ok.....

o blog é este

Dante Araújo

Olá Cara,

Seguinte, acredito que haja necessidade de uma versão "light" do template, uma "branca" lirealmente, esta que você fez até que está legal, mas é redundante em relação à já existente.

Teria como você fazer este design e me enviar para que eu possa aprovar/ou não? Baseado nisso eu posso te conceder esta permissão, pois tenho que manter a certeza da qualidade, você é um webdesigner e deve entender o que estou falando.

Obrigado pelo pedido de permissão, não são todos que demonstram esse respeito não.

Fico no aguardo pelo envio do template, espero que me impressione, a permissão depende disso.

Uma dica: seja MUITO detalhista, principalmente com os espaçamentos, alinhamento, margin e padding.

Boa Sorte :)


Ok vo fazer um no estilo light "branco" so to fazendo Dante por que gosto de tentar melhorar o que ja esta maravilhoso, so queriar te ajudar ae com outro modelo, so que agora que percebi que não mudei tanto......hehehe



thank you. Its awesome


Ae Dante terminei........

Depois irei fazer em outras cores predominantes se você quizer.....como vermelho e azul....

Ta ae a versão light

Se gostar me diz como te enviar....




thank you i love template

Dante Araújo

@UpDown cara não tou conseguindo ver direito aqui o template, não carrega as imagens...


i got problem at showing automatically create a thumbnail out of your video

help plz


Ok, i already add your blog in my partner link. hope in the future i can be like you, designing my own templates. Not only make a template that converted from WP theme lol.


i got problem at >>Automatic Thumbnail from Youtube (only Youtube URL)
i was replaced


amazing template, thankyou.

One thing, is it only compatible with youtube? i would like to use for veoh if possible?


Nice ,template. Thank you very much.


Hello friend, great template,
but you can help me?
is that in Internet Explorer's page does not appear in sequence, in firefox is very good, you can check it, thank you.


idea is great but template color and design should improve. I hope you won't mind my suggestion... white,red and orange combination would be great.


Dante aqui tenho um PC de mesa e três Notebook e em todos testei nos seguintes navegadores Firefox, Internet Explorer 7 e 8 e no Chrome e esta funcionando direitinho sem demoras no carregamento das paginas.....

Aqui pelo menos ta tudo certinho...


Parabéns Dante.....!!!!!
Realmente, nunca vi nada igual...fiquei te conhecendo pelo pro-blogger Aneesh...e olha adorei seu trabalho..!!!!
e sempre vou te acompnhar...rsrsrs
E parabéns para Aneesh...and ABU...eles são simplesmente os caras...
Muito legal mesmo vêr os meu favoritos meta bllogers aqui te felicitano, todos eles são demais...Amanda, soufine...Crazyseawolf,
Well ... I just wish you all the best, and keep on going, you are super star Dante..!!
Take Care!!!!


Ok.I'm sorry.I didn't look my e-mail.Very thanks.Good nights...


thanx for your sharing and perfect tutorial !

I wish it works for the other video sites.

Arent you make it ?

Dante Araújo

Guys, the template is only compatible with youtube, please read before posting.

@UpDown, acabei de ver, não me agradou muito não, a parte do design está legal, as cores estão boas, mas os detalhes, como te falei, sobre padding e margin que são o mais importante. e isso não me agradou muito. Os conteudos das miniaturas estão colados nas bordas das mesmas, isso na minha opinião não fica legal...


Ta bom então, andei dando uma mexidinha e a parte das miniaturas "padding" ja arrumei...

Deixa pra lá então...ok

Abraço e bom trabalho...


Great template, just like the same idea, but just a pity that is made only for YouTube videos. I think this post should have a different title:
"BloggerTube - The first Blogger template for YouTube videos"


i want to add video from google video


how can i make it compatible with google video


Is there any sense to try to edit the template to make it work with the embed codes from other sites (not just YouTube), or simply is not possible?


Great Its Awesome


very good template

but this template not working with youtube embed code

this is big negative for youtube bloggers

please help me how can i post videos with embed me......


hi... this is very goog template for all.

i want this template for youtube video postings with embed code.

can you help me?

how can i post videos with embed code?

because youtube bloggers earn money with only embed code postings.

so please help me how can i modified this template for youtube embed code postings.

please...please.. help me please kindly send your message to below email.


can anyone make it for yahoo videos? i can pay for it. send me email


--- Call to all Blogger designer ---

Hola !

Congratulations for your works.

Just one observation and suggestion:

We never saw some templates disegn for web radio statio or podcast website.

When will you start to think about this topic: AUDIO and MP3 to make some templates for a web-radio-station.

Thanks to think about.


--- Call to all Blogger designer ---

Ernesto Tirinnanzi

Hi Dante,
Thanks for your great work. I linked your post for italian blogger. You can view it here.
Best Regards


The best template


12 points goes to Dante :D It s really wonderful job bro..

Dante Araújo

Ok guys, let me try to explain you something:

When I make a tempalte, I try to think about all users. I mean, I got a lot of emails asking for video template, and I hae made one that would be easy to any one, even my grandma to admin and upload, they only need a single youtube URL.

I made it for youtube because it's the most used tool for video, also because it's from google, the same owner of blogger.

Youtube bloggers get money with embed code, but not all the video users are youtube bloggers. So I thought to make it the easiest way possible for everyone.

I have plans for making another video template, and that one will allow you guys to post embedd videos, but I can tell already that it will not be as easy as BloggerTube to upload, but don't worry, none of my templates are difficult.

Best Regards,

Dante Araujo


WOW!!!! This is very very beautiful!!! 100% very good template!! Thank2x a millionss!! here's my video blog using this template: Thanks a millions :)


Olá Dante tudo bem? Primeiramente parabéns pelo Template, o melhorcom toda certeza. Só tenho uma dúvida só pode ser inserido vídeos do youtube? Um grande Abraço


any one help why Automatic slider for the last featured videos didnt work on my site why


Hiiiiii !!! I love it !! I love you !! Dante, you're a genius !

I have created a new blog just for using it... : ViDeeO killed the blogo star


bloggers now with the existence of this template will begin to be taken into account


Salve Dante,

Cara, tu és meu ídolo, desculpe o vocabuário mas esse template está do C#####O, muito bom mesmo, diga uma coisa, tava olhando o demo do template e veio uma questão: seria possível usar ele para, ao invés de mostrar vídeos do Youtube, mostrar jogos em flash?

Que alterações você acha que teriam de ser feitas para funcionar?

Tu és o cara!

Grande abraço,

Marcelo Caetano


gempak sih .. wa caya same lo... hehe .. great job bro!


Dante, só posso dizer uma coisa deste seu trabalho: Explendido!!! Muito bom mesmo, excellente, template profissional de primeira cara, já vou usar para um blog que vinha planejando sobre videos de metal. Ah, só uma coisa, existe como colocar estas mesmas páginas numeradas nbo showcase? tentei mas fica tudo confuso e somem alguns posts. No mais parabéns mesmo, belo trabalho!


When I make a tempalte, I try to think about all users. I mean, I got a lot of emails asking for video template, and I hae made one that would be easy to any one, even my grandma to admin and upload, they only need a single youtube URL.
yeah, me too. some people also requesting for video template. but, your easy use template still get many problem for some Bloggers. i think my bingo gallery still not ready to released for Bloggers.

i have plans for making another video template, and that one will allow you guys to post embedd videos, but I can tell already that it will not be as easy as BloggerTube to upload, but don't worry, none of my templates are difficult.
maybe can be your reference.



This template is excellent!!
I use this, thank you very much.

So, could you tell me how-to as follows:
I want to put an image instead of YouTube video on the top of posts.

Could you tell me how to do this?

Thank you very much.


thanks dante for the great blogger theme!
i've looking for theme like this since ages.

check out my latest blog using your bloggertube theme

thanks mates!


Dante Araújo

Guys, there is a "BloggerTUBE FAQ's" on the bottom of the post, please read it before commenting.


Mi featured videos no genera automáticamente ayuda por favor

Dante Araújo

I have no idea what might be causing this problem, as you can see the live demo is working fine, try to download the template again and see what happens...

Amritpal Singh

Thanks buddy i will be waiting for the one that will allow us to post with embed code then we will be able to post from any website
and congrats for making the first ever video template for blogger

Heróis da net

Esse template é muitooo show,blogger está demais..
pena eu eu não entendi nada de como fazer upload os scripts, mesmo assim parabéns!!!


dante take look please tell me how to display that ad with girl and the car automatic. thanks for this revolution-blogger-template. u rock

Dante Araújo

That ad was placed manually on the post and then saved as post template on the blog settings, simple as that.

Romulo Okey




hello when iopen it with microsoft internet explorer there was a miss alignment


i downloaded the template again without no change


How can i add a video an other video site for example dailymaotion and the others


Thanks! This is really helpful. I've just created a new blog and it perfectly suits it. I am using it here now:


Youtube banned in turkey so the guests can't see the videos if we customize this theme dailymotion we can use this great theme.How can i do?


ther is a miss alignment in Automatic slider when open using microsoft internet explorer

mr. simplicity


Will there be any support for other videos sources in the future?

like break, liveleak, megavideo? That would be totally awesome.

Tutorial Blog

thank for post.

Tutorial Blog

thank for post.


Cara, você é super..parabéns!

Sempre visito seu site mais nunca comento, dessa vez tive que fazer, show...perfeito!


hai all i got problem after i posted videos in to blog.. when iam going to play the video first time is is playing but second time it is saying the following error message

" Embaded request was disabled. watch on you tube"

check my blog..

Marcia Bispo

Template maravilhoso, pena não suportar outros tipos de videos

Dante Araújo

Guys, again, read the post before asking anything!


can you make another one that can read videos from Megavideo.
it would be great & it's better than youtube for the length of video
& thanks again ^^


Seu trabalho é fantástico, mas infelizmente no meu blog o vídeo principal não aparece, assim como os vídeos recentes, enquanto que as postagens normais ficam perfeitas. O que será que fiz de errado?

Dante Araújo

Você leu o post direitinho com as instruções?
Preciso do link para analisar.


i found something that can help you to do another template that can read Rutube Videos :

this is an exemple of a video in and his Thumnail.

video :

Thumbnail :

hope that well help to find a way to create the same template than can read vids ;)
and Thanks for the good work



Movie Trailer

Thank you for the template n tutorial..5 star for you..please visit my blog..i have use BloggerTube templates for movie trailer blog


I'm interessting to the same kind of blog but who can function with video.

Why with videos ?

Because on YOUtube the CENSURE is so hight that we can use it anymore for political discussions and contreversial topics.

Thanks for the possible realise of a video blog for video



rutube has not just a less censure but he has videos with high length.. it can also accept series tv episode even if it's copyright protected


no meu tipo fica sem a imagem miniatura do youtube
meu blo


ficou ótimo e ja estou usando


vc tem algum outro template q possa usar para videos mas que nao seja só os do you tube?

Dante Araújo


For those who are asking for videos from another websites other than youtube, I have good news for you. Me and my team are already working on that template, Should be launched soon.


Hi, thanks for the template, works good, How can I link the head buttoms with another links, I mean, home, about and contents?


Thanks Dante,This is a good template i already change a colour to black same as youtube :)


in kind is without the thumbnail image of youtube
my blog


ja resolvi o problema
(na hora de colar o link do youtube eu colava pelo modo "escrever" ai ficava com codigo errado.
coloquei o link pelo modo "editar html" e funcionou perfeito


i put your template its really nice.
but my automatically creator of thumbnail not working on home page.
what should i do know ?
kindly help me .

Dante Araújo

Make sure you are pasting the youtube url on the Edit HTML mode.

YouWeird Tube

this is great. but i don't understand how to install it. could you give me some instructions on downloading. i've only used blogger templates before. sorry

YouWeird Tube

disregard the above QUESTION FROM ME. I was confused at first.


I created a special new YouTube Account and Blog just to use your new template. I had been looking for something almost totally blank and wide so that I could post huge size embedded videos, but this was so cool, I just jumped at it. I already have two other blogs and am waiting to assess the functionality of this for certain things like, remote posting with blog setup from Flock, which uses Mozilla, and more importantly, I'm wondering if this will incorporate with YouTube Blog Posting setup from on their site. Or because of the template will I have to insert all information within the parameters which you explain above? I'll experiment now, and come back to ask you about this. I can't wait to incorporate this into my other two existing blogs, but I am also curious as to the problems of using third party things like APTURE, which is the best blogging tool ever, and Lejit Blogsearch, both of which I now find indispensable.

I noticed that there was no way to get to the main blog page after installing: is that what this script is for:

Note: if you are experiencing any problems with the page navigations, go to your Edit HTML pade, check Expand Widget models, and replace the following url:

Thanks again


Dante Araújo

This first version of the template does not include so many features yet, this was like a rush release beause people were dying for it.

If you downloaded the template a short time ago the page navigation problem is solved, don't worry about it.

YouWeird Tube

ok, I have it, I think. I just installed the blogger widget navigation. My only question now is, how can I change color for text? The only widget I want to install is for my twitter, but the text is impossible to read against the black.

I tried the blogger edit for color, but it doesn't seem to work. It's no big deal. It is so cool. Thanks a million. I'll be checkin' with you often to see what more you've added. Can't wait to see if it will post from onsite YouTube with their blogger buttons.

Also, thanks for working on other video sites. I hope i can add it to this template when you're done.

Charles "Soul Junkie" Conyers

I can not get the automatic slider for the last featured videos or the recent videos to work.

Check out my site:

Please Help!

Dante Araújo

Have you made any change to the html? Please consider installing the original template again and see if it works.


Hello Dante i love your templates so much but i have a problem about the Page Navigation, Like Your Demo. Plss Help Me About my Problem...


Pls Help Me. About My Problem!!!! Plssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!! Thank you so much By d way... I love your Template so much!!


I can not get the automatic slider for the last featured videos or the recent videos to work.

To charles

first time i used bloggertube template i have a same problem like u..i think this problem happen b'coz im using my old blog after i make a new blog special for this bloggertube template only automatic slider and recent videos
working very well..try make a new blog for test.

Abu Farhan

@TheFinalJM I'll help you for Page nave coz I made modification for that page navi. Your Max posts in one page is 12 but setting in Page navi in this xml is 9.
Find in your xml or edit html this part :
var pageCount=9;
change to 12 base on your maximum post every page


hello dante,

when I upload this template, it says:

"Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference."

Please help me how to successfully upload this template...



I dont know how u guys did it , on my blog this dosent work at all,
image dos not show and the video u cant see that to.
I need a help guys pls response thank you


Can you Please make a Video Tutorial at: YouTube, that way will be 2 easy 4 anyone,this template is so cool , i realy love it..


you are the next blog millionare :)

thank you man thank you :)


upss.... my problem solved... just reread this post from the beginning, and all stuffs work just fine..

thanks to dante.. you're the best brother...



hye,how to make related video?

Jim Wright

Thank you for this design. Once I got it figured out it is great.

You SHOULD be charging for this (glad you are not) Look forward to more great things from you

Dante Araújo

Guys, one more time... Please READ the post carefully and your problems will be solved.


It's can not work,error
thank you

Dante Araújo

ATTENTION: The automatic slider MAY NOT WORK with special character language such as Arabic, Chinese, etc...


Thank you,But It's work good yesterday,this js links error. (under firefox)It's display "Oops! (5xx)
Something went wrong. Don't worry your files are still safe and the Dropboxers have been notified. Check out our FAQ or forums for help. Or maybe you should try heading home. "

I download this js files in my space,It's work ok again.

Thank you very much.

Dante Araújo



i have a question.

On the demo there are 9 videos on fron page but on mine there are only 7.
do i have to add or change something?

please for answer.


Dante Araújo

Just go to Settings > Formatting > Set 9 Posts per page.


'MachineGod' go to Blogger, sign in and click on 'LAYOUTS' then on your Layouts you have 'BLOG POSTS' NOW click 'EDIT'AND CHECK FOR THIS MESSAGE ' Number of posts on main page:' now here add a number how meny videos u like to be shown on your blog 'MAIN PAGE' , Number of posts on main page : CHange this number to 6 or 9 or 12 depend on how meny videos u like to have on main page. 1 video tutorial i will be making soon on youtube i will explane alot about this , and a link of this video i will post in here.I hope i have helped u.


As i Sad now i have created few Video Tutorials about BloggerTube Template.
1) How to Change BloggerTube Background so it can have a look that you Like
2) How to change Link and Text Color on your Template
3) where to add Recent posts Script
4) How to change from 7 video showing on your blog to whatever number u like.
5) And how to change Menu on your BloggerTube Template and Connect Link with what u like.
For all this Tutorials please check out my Blog at: thank you, i hope i have helped you.


dante no puedo ver los videos, y seguí las instrucciones por favor me explica


Hey there !!! Sweet template dude, Thanks very much

I got a question:¿How can i chance de colour of the bars from red to green? I´m pretty new in bloggon so i dont know if thats somehting hard to do.

Cheers!! thank you again


não teria como colocar o tuto em portuga num??... é que a tradução pelos tradutores é muito ruim... ja que o criador é um brasileiro (eu acho)...
bom por enquanto que não tem mesmo ou pode nem ter depois vou tentar compreender..^^
valew muito bom esse template

~ *My Favorite Music Collection* ~

Dear Dante, many thanks for this great and cool template, i have applied this on my new blog. Check it out, and so far so good running. FYI this blog is about my diary of day by day feelings of my heart hehehhe (so mellow hihiihi), anyway once again very thanks for you, and team for your hardwork to make this template very useful and suit to my emotion and expression feelings. Regards T.T.


Still waiting for the NON YOUTUBE formats :D

Dante Araújo

@Mesothelioma, GREAT JOB! I will place a link for this right now!

Also can you contact me from my contact form, or send me a message at twitter, I just had an idea and I think you could help me.

Best Regards,

Dante Araújo

Ok guys, I just have placed a link for @mesothelioma's video tutorials, check the instructions again, it will help many people!

And again, thanks a lot man, You've just made me and our community very happy!

Very Best Regards,

Dante Araujo


Hi Dante, thx for great template.
but i have problem in installing Recent Video, i try to copy and paste in Recent Video edit HTML/Javascript box, but it can not saved..

My blog also can not display Thumbnail

How to fix the problem?

Elisei Miron

very very nice template. Do you have for wordpress too?

Mack Woodz

Can Someone Help Me? Only the "Automatic Slider" shows up on the main page. No Thumbnails or Recent Videos.


hi Dante,this a very nice templete.

my question is how to add sidebar under header section?



that's a great job.
I have one small problem.
I do not understand step 1.
where exactly do I have to save the post sample (text file). I can't find where to save it in settings.

thanks again for this great template


Hi Dante.

I just wanted to say thinks for the awesome template. However I am having trouble getting it to work properly even after reading all your troubleshoot tutorials above.=/

Mohamed Alsayed

hi great template indeed
i tried hard to find out where to add an adsense code but every time i get undesirable result so plz tell me where i can exactly place adsense code in the content thank you
this is how it looks

Help me Help Me Cheodo Thanks all


Check out Video Tutorials at: for most of thos questions i have Created a Video tutorial so please do check before u ask.


i already edit bloggertube template same as gallery template u can see here if anybody have a problem to place adsense code can contact me mayb i can help u.


my blog only shows 7 automatic video thumbnails on home page. Why?
my blog:


My recent video widget does not work, i dont know where to paste the code in html script.
can anyone tell me where to paste the code in this script? thnx!

b:widget id='HTML1' locked='false' title='Recent Videos' type='HTML'/


please tell me exactly where this code
will be placed on blogger


Finally I got the which I want, Thanks for creating this nice template. But I have one question can you please create code for related videos for my site? thanks!

Dante Araújo

All I have to say is: Read before you ask...


lol to lasy to read , i have made video tutorials guys visit this blog and watch thos videos it will show you step by step downloading template,uploading to your blog,changing BG,changing link and txt color and more all this at: thank you.


Estou curtindo demais seu template

Amei saw? put on my blog ..
and new space more have tanned too, had used Tamplates basicos. to put youtube videos ...
space gospel
and finally you came ... are very nice people like you who share the good things ..
I wonder if faztamplates to order and when will it cost?

I am Brazilian from Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais live in the moment.
András S'Mirna
kisses ........


Muchas Gracias, Nos hacen cada vez mas facil la vida =D gracias amigos! son geniales.


Hey Dante,

Again, you and the gang have pushed up the standards in the blogging world. Again, you're the pioneers in this arena. I'm sure others will now attempt to come up with better templates. But you, Aneesh, and Abu Farhan will always have the credit of the 'rebels' who did more than many imagined. Good one.

I did some slight aesthetic modification to it to complement my commentary site ( Anyone can check it out if interested. It just goes to illustrate the great potential of this fantastic template by Dante & the Gang.

Thanks again,


p.s., sorry, forgot about that 'beer' as i've been busy the past few days. Will attend to it shortly. Cheers bro!


Dante, I have to say, Blogger Tube is a Good work. Great... Very Creative.

My english is very little english, but...
i am say Help !

who is bad?

Recent Videos
style="text/javascript" src=""> class="clear"/>

my blog

Dante Araújo

@ed, Thanks again bro.

@Lie, Read the post again, carefully and you will make it work :)

Dante Araújo

@ed, Wow man, you've made it brilliant!


Sorry is best tutorial! Great work !
bye bye
My blog is

Mr.Junaid Abbasi

i need a widget that shows some related videos like recent post in your template...any help


added a link to your script on and setup a videoblog on


Very Very thanks for this great idea & work. i use this but i have some problem you tube vidoes doesn't seen in the blog plz check.

this is my URL

mansoor hayati

hey i need related post widget
like recent videos
thanx in advance....
i got the code but that is different in css with recent videos...


Dante querido amigo no se si me puedes ayudar con esto: Quiero poner Gooble Adsense al lado derecho del titulo como esto:


Dante Araújo

@ErickLinus you'll need to creat a widget section over there, or past the adsense code directly on your template and place it there using CSS.

@Others, I dont have any related videos widget developed yet, If anyone have a clue how to do it please post here.

It will be surely be implemented on my next video template, but that's not for now, as you guys have noticed I am working on

Jorge Andres Moreno

Hello sorry my english very little i speak spanish my problem is Automatic slider for the last featured videos not work look my blog

~ *My Favorite Music Collection* ~

Hola Dante its me again, Now my blog is complitely done almost 100% hihihii, i am adding few shortcut on my nav bar, and it works 100%, I still like your background so in the mean time i feel i dont change it yet. But one thing that i want to asked you how to make slider worked automatically go sliding?
I Put 57 tumbsnail video on my page, and i am very enjoy on your template. Should any body here would like to see my page pls came and have a look. And for you Dante would you pls put your self on my follower hihihihi, it would be great for me hehehehe.... Anyway Thanks a lot to you and your team again for making this awesome template. Regards T.T.


hi dante, i am pradeep kumar who had recently downloaded the template but it is not working.I followed 2 instruction which u had given on ur blog but video thumbnail is not appearing and also video is not playing .Please checkout this error dude.
please checkout this page for error :
please lookout this problem and fix it .

prince vio

How to replace video thumb image with movie poster


automated slidebar is not working!!!


Just to update those who would like to check out the aesthetic design potentials of this great template, my site address is now,

The link mentioned earlier - '' is a dead one.

Thanks all, and thanks again to the template 'rebels'.



Excelente el theme, excelente tu paso a paso, genial los videos tutoriales, los consejos para un correcto adsense. Wow
Tengo 10 años en la web, llevo 17 blogs simultaneos y NUNCA vi un sitio tan genial para los themes, te seguire a donde vayas. Gracias!


dont u have for wordpress?*


Hi Kamil,

I think Dante shouldn't make this template available for wordpress as bloggers using 'blogger' are quite often seen as the 'lower class' of the blogging world compared to 'wordpress'. I'm not saying that we bloggers ought to start fighting with each other for these capitalist companies, but unlike wordpress, blogger is free whereas wordpress is not.

If Dante and the Rebels keep doing great stuff like this for blogger only, then more might move to blogger and wordpress would have to stop charging for more space because of their fantastic templates - many of which are created by non-paid people.

Blogger using 'blogger' being the 'proles' of the blogging world, and having so little compared to others, have, because of their relative poverty, have become ingenuous in coming up with solutions that others pay to solve. This serves to increase the intellectual pool of the proletarians in the blogging world. We have to try harder, seek further, think more, go through more frustrations than those who can solve theirs with a slash of a credit card. And web-building rebels like Dante, Aneesh, and Abu Farhan, amongst a host of others, are there to head the charge through design and innovation. The rest of us step in to push it further with our ideas and design skills to bring out the beauty of the foundations they give us. In this, we are together showing the intellectual property is best advanced through collective collaboration.

So don't take that away from us sir.

Viva la revolucion!


Hi Dante,

Just to inform you of my publishing an article related to this template and the meaning behind your contribution - through my response to Kamil.

I thought that I ought to let you know out of respect -


Dante Araújo

I agree with you ed, I just want to fix something that might cause a little of misunderstanding... wordpress is not "paid", wordpress is a free and open source platform, you can download it anytime and intall it on your own computer... the only thing you'll need to pay is a hosting serice to keep you online, and that is not wordpress' fault, I think if Blogger itself were open source, Google yould not host all your files and the tons of plugins and stuff that might come out if they give us that freedom.

I agree when you say that Blogger is generally seen by the "lower class", I read wordpress blogs all the time and I know how to refer to us. The only thing that I want is to show people that Blogger can be as "high" as we want it to be, It just needs a little effort on making things professional... Those tons of trashy javascripts and trashy hacks that are available for blogger will never push this platform trough if their authors never make them professionally.

~ *My Favorite Music Collection* ~

Hola Dante, i change the nav bar color and sidebar color, its more attractive now i think. And one thing that i want to asked you yesterday can i make that slider automatically go slide? Thank you ...

Dante Araújo

To make it slide automatically, just search for this line:

auto: false,

And set it to:

auto: true,

Best Regards,


I have an ideea about related videos for this great template.
Please contact me at rezultatebac[@]


Hi Dante,

I was referring to Wordpress's upgrade option when i spoke about paying for wordpress. Perhaps i ought to have made that point clearer - which i did in my article on

Yes. I agree that the status of 'blogger' users is aided significantly by professionally authored innovations - such as that created by you guys.

By the way, i tried to add a drop-down 'labels' menu in bloggertube but couldn't. Perhaps this is not catered for by the template? To get around that, i put in a drop-down 'documentaries' menu at the top down with some scripts. ( Perhaps it's just my ignorance and i'm missing something obvious - as i have no training or much knowledge in the area of coding, etc. (all changes made on my sites are generally a result of my playing around with the html.)

I thought a drop-down menu would be good as well so that a large listing for videos can be displayed without taking up too much space in the 'categories' section. For instance, if one was to eventually stick in a list of a hundred documentaries with specific titles or list singers by name, that might amount to a huge list taking up space in the categories section. The 'archives' option wouldn't be a good one as the viewer would not be able to see all the various options with a single click. Just a thought bro.



Please customize this theme video yahoo or dailymotion. or say our how to make


Dante Araújo

Feel free to use my contact section to submit any ideas.

Best Regards,


your template is great! good job and thank you!

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